Amplify your hunting experience.

Whitetail property
management & Consulting

We will assist landowners with our experienced property consultants to help achieve the goals you may have for your property. It is likely we may even expand your vision and help you achieve more than you originally thought possible if you are dedicated to implanting the plan.

1. Evaluation

We start by listening to your goals and touring your property so we can help you develop a plan that best suits your needs and your property.

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Scout Your Property

Getting boots on the ground is really the only way to truly evaluate a property and put together a comprehensive plan. While looking at a topographical map can certainly bring certain features to your attention and show you where some pinch points could be and potential stand locations, unless you go out and see what the terrain actually looks like, what trees are in those areas, and how deer are currently using the property, then it would be hard to put together a solid plan.

Food Plot Plans

If you want to grow nutrient-dense food sources, then it all starts in the soil. So, step #1 is taking a soil sample to send to a trusted lab for an analysis. After the analysis is complete, our experienced agronomists will make recommendations on what to apply and match the right seed blend to your soil test results. If there are no food plots on the property, we will design them in the right place to allow good access to hunt them with the prevailing winds.

Aerial Herd Analysis

A herd analysis can help you get a good number of how many deer your property is currently holding and the buck-to-doe ratio of your property. This is valuable information and will help you determine how many deer you want to harvest this season. Ask for us to add this upgrade option to your consulting package to really take your land management to another level.

2. Habitat Planning

We will develop a detailed list of recommendations for hunting blind and stand placements, ideal food plot planting and suggested fertilizers, as well as any maintenance needed on your property.

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Establish Travel Corridors

After evaluating how the deer are currently using your property, we will make recommendations of what to do to influence their movement past the new blind and stand locations.

Placing food plots in the right locations will also help us connect the dots between bedding and food, which will be determined by the best access options for your property. Proper access and low amounts of human intrusion is one of the major keys to harvesting a mature buck. You need to be able to enter and exit your stand locations without alerting deer to consistently harvest mature buck.

Bedding & Cover

Making sure that you have adequate amounts of bedding cover and browse is very important for all hunting properties.

If deer are not bedding on your property, you have a much smaller chance of harvesting them. But, if you can make your property a sanctuary and provide plenty of good browse, you will attract all the deer from the neighborhood and never have a shortage of wildlife.

Like the saying goes: "Build it and they will come."

Food Plot Recommendations

What, where, and how to plant are all questions we can help you with after seeing what the limiting factors are in your area. With that and a soil test, we will help you choose what to plant to keep deer on your property, as their diet switches from summer to fall and then to winter.

With over 12 years of experience in the food plot industry, we can help you put together a buffet of diverse food sources that can feed and attract deer throughout the entire hunting season.

Fertilizer Recommendations

Again, using the soil test and working with your budget and goals, we will put together a plan of what to apply to the soil to help you grow some nutrient-dense food plots.

By applying Thunderstorm Fertilizer just before the season starts, you can increase forage quality and attraction to your plot. We can make custom fertilizer blends to meet your needs, but also have Nature's Trophy Blend, Cal Turf Pro (lime), and Antler Dirt as good pelletized options for the average food plot needs.

Tree Management

Assessing your timber and mast trees to see if you have a good food source coming from the trees while maintaining the future timber value is an important part of the planning process.

You should look at your woods as a crop that can produce lots of food for wildlife as well as a cash crop for the land owner to help get a return on investment.

Supplemental Feeders, Feed, Minerals and Attractants

Where it is legal to use, supplemental feeding can have a huge impact on herd health, especially in urban areas where you just do not have the acreage to sustain the deer population. This can also be a great way to lure them into shooting range in areas where you cannot plant food plots. Based on your goals and objectives, we will determine if supplemental feeding is right for your plan. Attractants are great for getting trail camera photos and doing a herd analysis late summer. Mineral sites are ways to help supplement trace minerals that can help buck express more of its antler growth potential.

Hunting Blind and Tree Stand Locations

We take hunting blind and tree stand placement very seriously, and believe it would be better to skip a day of hunting than to hunt from a tree stand on the wrong wind. Although each property is different, most properties can be set up with stand locations to hunt on the different winds. All stands will be more towards the exterior of the property with a hunt from the outside in and then have travel corridors influencing movement past the blinds or stands. Hunting blinds have been proven to help contain scent, conceal movement, and keep you comfortable to hunt all day in the rut and gun season. Access to these stand and blinds is an important part of the plan.

Social Hub Mock Scrapes and Lures

Whitetail deer are social, and communicate by dispersing glandular scents at scrapes, rubs, and trails. Placing mock scrapes using the Social Hub hemp ropes and using glandular scent can help you mimic nature and keep an inventory of what bucks are on your property.

Trail Camera Placement

Food plots, mineral sites, Social Hub scrapes, and intersecting travel corridors are all great places for trail cameras to keep an inventory of what is using your property and help you pattern your target buck.

You always want to try and face trail cameras toward the north were possible so you don't get direct sun that can trigger the camera.

We would recommend cell cameras on scrapes and close to bedding areas, so we are not introducing human scent which would stack the deck against us.

3. Delivery

Delivery of your ultimate food plot plan includes detailed property map, a written plan, and a custom food plot checklist tailored to your needs. We also give you an opportunity for a 1 hour call with John Stoltzfus to discuss the plans and answer any questions you may have.

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Detailed Property Design

We will design a map with icons showing the placement of all the food plots, stand and blind locations, as well as camera locations and water holes. You will want to look at the written property plan for the stand numbers and wind directions for each stand. Upgraded laminated maps can be purchased to place at your cabin or house to keep the plan in front of you.

Written Property Plan

Here is where all the details for the map icons are written and what will help you stay on course to accomplish your goals.

All stand locations are numbered, and fine details are listed for the improvements and maintenance of the property.

Food Plot Checklist

Here we will list detailed instructions for all the food plot planting and fertilizer recommendations, as well as maintenance needed for your perennial plots.

Soil test results will be included with this checklist, as well as any fruit tree and chestnut plantings that are recommended.

Schedule a property consultation

Your Contact Information
Property Information

Do you have soil tests for your current plots?

Do you currently have a fertilizer or soil amendment program?

Do you have a mineral or feed supplement program?

Are you currently participating in any state timber or other habitat programs that have specific rules and regulations?

Are you interested in a selective-harvest timber management plan?

Do you have any printed maps of your property?

Are you interested in an updated map?

Do you have road access to all areas of the property?

Is your property line posted or clearly marked?
Consulting Details
Which consulting options are you interested in?
Which Property option best fits your needs?
    Travel is additional: Quoted per property.
Additional map sizes & pricing

A 20% down payment is required to secure a consultation date.

Please send your payment either online after submitting this form, or mail a check to:
Hunting Plots LLC
4455 W. Lincoln Highway
Parkesburg, PA 19365

Alternatively, you may call 610-477-8772 to provide your credit card information.

Any questions or concerns, please email or call John Stoltzfus: